Dentik Monastery figures prominently in Tibetan Buddhist history even though the historical record is fragmented. According to local history, Dentik was the place where Lachen Gongpa Rabsal received ordination from the Three Polymaths in the tenth century and where he ordained the "ten men" responsible for bringing the Vinaya lineage and Buddhist teachings back to Central Tibet to start the historical epoch called “Later Transmission of Buddhism.”
Drago Monastery (brag 'go dgon) has its historical roots during the Tibetan empire. History says that Drogo Monastery used to be a Nyingma monastery until it was converted to the Geluk tradition in the 17th century. Currently, it has around 400 to 500 monks, including the monks who are studying at Drepung Loseling Monastery in south India. Being the largest monastery in Drago, it plays a pivotal role in preserving Tibetan culture and spreading the Buddhadharma.
A short text concerning Galenteng Monastery, purportedly initially established by Lhalung Palgyi Dorje. Its construction, linage affiliation, pronunciation, and orthography changed over time lending itself to a multitude of modifications.
A brief history of Kyodrak Monastery where the successive reincarnations of Tsoknyi Öser reside. It is the main seat of the Barom order, one of the four main divisions of the Kagyü, situated in Dokham.