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tsa sum kündü pema tö treng tsal

Embodiment of the Three Roots, Pema Totrengtsal,


pawo khandrö tsok dang chepa nam

Together with the gatherings of heroes and dakinis,


dak gi mönpa drubpé pangpo ru

Come here unimpededly and remain


tokmé shek la dir shuk gong su sol

Witnessing me as I make this aspiration, I pray.


dakshen kyé pak kün kyi dü sum du

Through whatever collections of virtue that accumulated throughout the three times by myself


sakpé gé tsok jinyé gyipa dang

And others, all ordinary beings and noble ones,


rigdzin khandrö tukkyé den tob kyi

And the power of the truth of the bodhicitta resolve of the vidyadharas and dakinis,


mönpé dön di tokmé nyur drub shok

May the aim of this aspiration be quickly accomplished without impediment!


gangchen kyegü sönam shing chok tu

In this supreme meritorious realm of the people of the snow mountains,


pemé jin lab bé né kün kyi chok

Supreme among all the hidden lands blessed by Padmasambhava is


khachö nyipa pemo kö di yi

This second Khecara, Pemoko—


ngotsar nangwa ten la pebpar shok

May we see its wondrous marvel in actuality!


jung shi yang chü nö kyi gé chu gyé

In the environment of the essential wealth of the four elements, the ten virtues increase, and


lo lek kya gyal dögu ngang gi du

The grain of a good harvest and everything one could desire naturally come together


né yam truktsö dü kyi chepa kün

Even the names of the calamities of contagious disease, strife, and war are not heard—


ming yang mi drak taktu shipar shok

May there be this constant auspiciousness!


lalo migö chenzen bu drang sok

Barbarians, savages, carnivorous wild beasts and insects and the like,


chu der chewachen kyi duktsub dang

With their menacing claws, fangs, and beaks, as well as


né sung dé gyé khandrö chotrul sok

The sorcerous tricks of the local guardians, the eight classes of spirits, and the dakinis—


zukmé tsub mé barché shiwar shok

May all unseen disruptive obstacles be pacified!


trang bur shu tor tsé né kang bam dang

May swollen protrusions, abscesses, inflammatory diseases, elephantiasis,


mu chu drangwa chuser lasokpé

Edema, cold natured illnesses, lymphatic disorders, and all such illnesses


jung shi né dang duk lang gyünché ching

Of the four elements and infectious vapours,


dönnyer chen kün gekmé dröpar shok

Be eliminated and all who possess ardour travel without obstruction!


gangchen bö kyi kalden kün du shing

May the fortunate ones of snowy Tibet come together


shedrub tubten nyingpo darwa dang

And spread the essential teachings of theory and practice,


khyepar dorjé tekpé nyurlam lé

Particularly, by the swift path of the Vajrayana,


bé né drubtob po mö gangwar shok

May the hidden land be filled with male and female accomplished ones.


gangshik né dir dröpa tsam gyi mö

Whoever merely aspires to reach this place—


dikdrib nyetung drimé tsok dak né

Their accumulated stains of misdeeds, obscurations, faults, and downfalls will be purified,


nyam dang tokpa ngang gyi barwa dang

And by the natural blazing of experience and realisation,


tsa lung tiklé min ching drolwar shok

May the channels, winds, and essences ripen and be liberated!


né di gojé shepé dorjé dang

May the intentions of the ones who opened this hidden land, Zhepai Dorje and


gyalyum lha chik dorjé kyab jé kyi

The mother of the victorious ones Lhachik Dorje Kyabje,[1]


tuk kyi shepa jishin drubpa dang

Be accomplished just as they were made.


kalpa gyatsö bardu shabten shok

May they both live for an ocean of eons!


sang chok khandro gyatsö lungtenpé

Those prophesied by the vast multitudes of supremely secret dakinis,


na dren pawo pal gyal jebang kün

The guide, the heroes, the glorious king, the lord and his subjects,


nekab ngön tö lektsok kün gyé shing

For the time being, may all excellent things of the higher realms increase for them, and


tartuk pema ö du drolwar shok

May they ultimately be liberated in the [Palace of] Lotus Light!


khandro gyatsö taktu drok dzé ching

May the hosts of dakinis always offer companionship,


damchen sungmé trinlé drubpa dang

The oath-bound protectors accomplish their enlightened activities, and


jitar tsipé lé kyi jawa kün

Every deed and action, just as they have been divined,


ten drö dön chen khonar gyurwar shok

Result only in great benefit for the teachings and beings!


né di chok su ngalwa tenpa kün

May all the weary ones who strive to reach this place


taktu lama khandrö jezung té

Always be watched over and accepted by the guru and dakinis, and


tukjé jinlab nying la jukpa dang

The blessing of compassion enter into their hearts,


di chi dön nam ngang gi drubpar shok

So they naturally accomplish the benefit of this life and the next!


trulpé né di tendrel drikpé tü

May all the invading enemies of snowy Tibet be averted


gangchen bö kyi tamak kün dok ching

By the power of the auspicious interdependence of this emanating place, and


kyegu tamché bö shing kyipa dang

May all the beings of the land of Tibet be happy, and


tubpé tenpa dar shing gyepar shok

The doctrine of the Buddha flourish and spread!


ngensong sum gyi dukngal kün ché ching

May all the suffering of the three lower realms cease, and


kham sum womin shing du jongpa dang

The three realms attain the perfection of Akanistha!


jisi namkha zepar magyurwar

May the ornamented wheels of the three secrets blaze


sang sum gyen gyi khorlo barwar shok

For as long as space remains!

[1] Lha gcig rdo rje skyabs byed, BDRC P2CN4771

[2] Personal Communication – Franz-Karl Ehrhard (2018). Orshö Orang were landed nobility in eastern Kongpo and important benefactors (sbyin bdag) specifically to Choje Lingpa (1682–1720). The transliteration for this textual line is: dpa' bo'i khyu mchog 'or shod o rang gi khyim bdag chen po dpal rgyal gyis.

[3] The term for the female Water Ox is bag med (pramādin). Although it is a rendering of a negative verb of existence—med pa, it is commonly written with a positive verb of existence—yod pa, lending to a rendering of bag yod.

[4] For more information about the life of Lelung Zhepai Dorje see Tom Greensmith” The Fifth Lelung Jedrung, Treasury of Lives.

Photo credit: Lelung Dharma Centre

Thanks to Adam Pearcey at Lotsawa House for his editing. 

Published: December 2020



Sle lung rje drung bzhad pa'i rdo rje. 1982. Sbas yul pad+mo bkod du bgrod pa'i smon lam. In. Gsung 'bum/ Bzhad pa'i rdo rje, vol.7. pp. 515–520. 大谷大学图书馆. 京都市. BDRC W1CZ2744



Thus, the great householder Pelgyel[2] of the supremely heroic Orsho Orang family requested Zhepai Dorje on behalf of the monks of the Padma O Ling retreat center in the sacred place of Nang Ding, which is the aspect of the throat cakra of enjoyment in the great hidden land of Pemako, for an essential [prayer] that would be suitable for regular use. Accordingly, in the quaint residence of Pema Yangdong Dorje on the virtuous day of the first half of the Monkey month in the Female Water Ox Year (1733) called Incautious[3], the vidyadhara Zhepai Dorje clearly dictated [this prayer] to the scribe Dorje Sangdak.

An Aspiration to Travel to the

Hidden Land of Pemoko

An Aspiration to Travel to the

Hidden Land of Pemoko

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